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Zamítnuto I have been kicked from the Discord server for no reason.
Článek napsal Crafman

Dear Trenend.

I found one problem. I have been kicked from the Discord server for no reason. I'm not violating Discord ToS and server rules. Just found one annoying user who types annoying and harassing messages to me. So. This is not my fault. His nickname's CagCagy. His behavior is very bad. He violated rules. So. He must be kicked from the Discord server. So. Stop kicking me for no reason and respect me. I'll be glad If you'll respect me and other members of the Discord server. What do you think about bad and annoying members on the Discord server? I don't like them. So. I'll be glad If you'll solve this problem and mute them. Thank you for reading this important message. Have a nice day.

x 1
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Děkujeme za žádost, ale bohužel není zapsána podle připnutého vzoru, tudíž ji zamítáme. Prosíme o znovuvytvoření podle vzoru v aktuální sekci.

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